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Alston Primary School

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Behaviour Hub

We are delighted to be working with the Department for Education becoming a Behaviour Hub.

The purpose of these hubs are to share exemplary behaviour cultures across the country supporting schools, special schools and Alternative provisions.

The aim of the Behaviour Hubs programme is to take a whole school approach to embed sustainable and clear structures throughout the school supporting the behaviour culture.

As a lead school we will share, lead and guide schools who want to improve the behaviour culture across their setting building systems that are sustainable and allow them to thrive independently.

The programme is based on the ideas and principles that are outlined in the review of behaviour: Creating a culture: how school leaders can optimise behaviour. (Tom Bennett 2017)

Alston will work with partner schools providing a range of support depending upon the level of need. This is a comprehensive package of support that aims to see results within a year:

  • training on specific issues, common problems and effective approaches led by expert advisers, that can be implemented within the school;
  • open days at lead schools to observe good systems and approaches in action;
  • networking events to share experiences and good practice;
  • online resources developed by the expert advisers which will equip and empower schools to implement changes in their settings;
  • support to develop and implement an action plan, that will set out how to quickly improve and embed a whole school approach to developing a positive behaviour culture;
  • mentoring and coaching to support leaders in implementing lasting and sustainable change.